Starting a new job is hard enough. At the very least, learning to use business software should be as intuitive and engaging as playing a computer game. Let your employees learn like gamers and be productive from day one.
Indicators on the right show actual results from some of our customers.
Reading process documentations or completing e-learnings are often the last thing on their mind. Employees want to add value and feel productive and the sooner they can do that, the more engaged they will be.
Intuitively, users don't crave spending precious time on process documentation or e-learning courses. They perceive these activities as necessary evils potentially impacting their productivity. To address this, it's essential to incorporate game-onboarding principles, transforming these time-consuming tasks into captivating experiences. By adopting new learning techniques inspired by gaming, we empower users to acquire skills without steering them away from their primary assignments.
By overlaying GRAVITY on top of your enterprise applications, we shift learning from burdensome to engaging through game-onboarding principles. This eliminates productivity drains and empowers users to efficiently acquire necessary skills.
The CRM of Zurich Insurance Company without GRAVITY is like... a horse without a saddle. You can sit on it and ride it, but it's just not as comfortable.