January 16, 2024

Apple's TipKit: Embracing GRAVITY's approach to app onboarding

Apple's TipKit: Embracing GRAVITY's approach to app onboarding

Apple has recently launched a new developer toolkit called TipKit, which aims to help developers teach users how to use their mobile apps more effectively. This innovative solution seems to be inspired by GRAVITY, a platform that offers personalized app walkthroughs and onboarding experiences. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind Apple's decision to adopt a similar approach to GRAVITY, the benefits it brings to developers and users alike, and how TipKit goes beyond just emulating GRAVITY's success.  

Learning from GRAVITY's Success and Adapting to the Market

GRAVITY has been making waves in the enterprise application development industry with its advanced onboarding solution, which lets business users get up and running faster without having to rely on developers.

GRAVITY has indirectly helped developers improve user retention and increase app usage by providing a highly personalized, engaging experience. It seems that Apple has taken note of GRAVITY's success and aims to incorporate similar features and functionalities into its own native framework, TipKit. This move signifies Apple's commitment to staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the evolving market needs.

Personalized and Contextual Onboarding: A Key to User Engagement

One of the key aspects of GRAVITY's approach to app onboarding is personalization. By tailoring the onboarding experience to individual users based on onboarding status, GRAVITY has been able to create a more engaging and effective onboarding process. Apple's TipKit follows a similar approach, allowing developers to create customizable tips and tutorials that can be triggered by specific rules, such as when a user visits a particular app section or uses a certain feature a few times. This level of personalization can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher user retention rates.

Non-Intrusive and User-Friendly Experiences: A Win-Win for Developers and Users

Both GRAVITY and Apple's TipKit prioritize creating non-intrusive and user-friendly onboarding experiences. By controlling the cadence of tips and ensuring that users are not overwhelmed with information, both solutions aim to make the learning process more enjoyable and less frustrating for users. This approach not only benefits users but also developers, as a positive onboarding experience can lead to higher app ratings and more positive reviews, ultimately contributing to the app's success.

Syncing Across Devices: Consistency and Convenience

Another aspect of GRAVITY's approach that Apple seems to have adopted is the ability to sync onboarding experiences across a user's devices. With TipKit, developers can easily sync rules and configurations across different Apple devices, preventing repetition of tips and ensuring a consistent user experience. This feature adds an extra layer of convenience for users, making it easier for them to switch between devices without losing their progress or having to repeat the onboarding process.

TipKit's Unique Features: Expanding on GRAVITY's Foundation

While Apple's TipKit seems inspired by GRAVITY's approach to app onboarding, it also brings its own unique features to the table. For instance, TipKit is designed specifically for Apple devices, ensuring seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem, and providing developers with a native solution for app onboarding.

Furthermore, TipKit places importance on interaction with user entries in the app, allowing developers to adapt tips and onboarding experiences based on user input. Unlike GRAVITY, which prioritizes ease of use for end users and does not provide the same level of customization in that area. However, it's important to note that such content can only be modified by the app developer, not the users themselves.


Apple's decision to adopt a similar approach to GRAVITY with its TipKit framework demonstrates the value and effectiveness of personalized and engaging app onboarding experiences. By incorporating these features into its native toolkit and expanding on GRAVITY's foundation, Apple is making it easier for developers to create more enjoyable and user-friendly apps, ultimately benefiting both developers and users alike. As the app market continues to evolve, solutions like TipKit will play a crucial role in helping developers stay competitive and meet the ever-changing needs of their users.

To learn more about TipKit, watch the WWDC presentation at: WWDC23 Session Videos  

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Christoph Müller

Christoph Müller

For years I used corporate Intranets in the workplace, experiencing firsthand that traditional learning formats for IT rollouts and employee onboarding do not work. I developed GRAVITY software to tackle this challenge. Employees are happier because learning is simple and effective; businesses are happier because their IT rollouts are successful and cost a lot less than before.