Software or Process Rollouts

Adopting new software or processes should be as easy for users as playing a computer game. Let your users learn like gamers to ensure your rollouts are successful.

Indicators on the right show actual results from some of our customers.

Software or Process Rollouts
Boosted Project ROI

Engagement Matters

Software rollouts often fail when users neglect new features, largely because employees prioritize productivity over learning new aspects. If users can't get up to speed quickly and feel productive with the new features, engagement drops, jeopardizing the success of the rollout.

Adopt Gaming Techniques

Naturally, users resist investing time in process documentation or e-learning, viewing them as productivity barriers. To tackle this, integrating game-onboarding tactics turns these tasks into appealing experiences. Using gaming-inspired learning techniques empowers users to gain skills without diverging from essential tasks.

Rapid IT Deployment

Swift Adoption

With GRAVITY applied to enterprise applications, we transition learning from cumbersome to captivating using game-onboarding principles. This averts productivity loss and enables users to swiftly acquire vital skills.


Boosted Project ROI



Boosted Project ROI

GRAVITY fast-tracks user adoption of applications and smoothens training, paving the way for swifter and higher ROI for IT projects. Some customers achieved five-times return on their GRAVITY-investment in the first year.

Rapid IT Deployment


Quicker Deployment

Rapid IT Deployment

GRAVITY speeds up IT project rollouts by refining user onboarding and training. In-app guidance fosters speedy learning of new features, guaranteeing swift ROI and the success of IT projects.

Seamless Software Implementation


Adoption Rate

Seamless Software Implementation

New software can be daunting, but GRAVITY eases the rollout process by providing necessary tools and resources for learning and adaptation. This support fosters high user adoption, productivity, and a seamless software transition.

Accelerated Release Cycles


Quicker Release Cycles

Accelerated Release Cycles

GRAVITY allows project leaders and application owners to add content directly, bypassing the need for IT or L&D specialists. This leads to expedited release cycles and fast time-to-market for new features, fueling cost savings or higher earnings.

Barbara Werthmüller

Barbara Werthmüller

Global Head Center of Expertise Services, financial industry, Zug

GRAVITY helped improve the customer experience of our SAP SuccessFactors applications. It allows us to provide performance support to our 1500 employees exactly when and where they need it in the application and to increase data quality in the systems.